Admin KickID (ID) |
Kicks a player whose ID# matches (ID) |
Admin BanID (ID) |
Bans a player whose ID# matches (ID) |
Admin MuteID (ID) (TIME) |
Mutes a player whose ID# matches (ID) for (TIME) seconds |
Admin BanIP (IP) |
Ban an IP |
Admin Unban (IP/NAME) |
Unban someone by their IP or the name they had when they were banned |
Admin Skip |
Skips the current map |
Admin AddMap (MAPNAME) |
Add a map to the map list |
Admin ModifyMap (MAPNUMBER) (NEWNAME) |
Modify the map that is the (MAPNUMBER)th map on the list to become (NEWNAME). Map numbers can be obtained from the map voting window |
Admin RemoveMap (MAPNUMBER) |
Remove the map that is the (MAPNUMBER)th map on the list |
Admin MoveMap (MAPSTART) (MAPEND) |
Move the map in slot (MAPSTART) to slot (MAPEND) |
Admin ClearPassword |
Clear the GamePassword for the server |
Admin RemovePoints (ID) (POINTS) |
Remove (POINTS) from the score of the player whose ID# matches (ID) |
Admin RemoveDeaths (ID) (DEATHS) |
Remove (DEATHS) from the death count of the player whose ID# matches (ID) |
Admin ResetScores |
Reset all scores and deaths to 0 |
Admin EDMDeathMatch |
Change the server to a Deathmatch game |
Admin EDMTeamGame |
Change the server to a Teamgame |
Change the message on a certain line of the MOTD. For example, Admin SetMOTD 1 Hi would set "Hi" as the message of the first line of the MOTD. Line can be between 1 and 3 |
Admin Middlesay (TYPE) (MESSAGE) |
Say a message in different spots on the screen. You can change (TYPE) to any number between 0 and 7 to change the spot where the message appears |
Admin GetMutList |
Returns a list of all mutators in the EstablishedMutators array and their corresponding index numbers |
Adds a new mutator class into the EstablishedMutators array |
Admin RemoveMut (MUTATORINDEX) |
Removes the mutator in index (MUTATORINDEX) from the EstablishedMutators array. Mutators indexes can be obtained from the Admin GetMutList command |
AdminTalk (MESSAGE) |
Say a (MESSAGE) that can only be read by other admins |
SummonP (ID) |
The player whose ID# matches (ID) will appear in front of the admin who types this |
PSummon (ID) |
The admin who typed this will appear in front of the player whose ID# matches (ID) |
Walk |
Fixed "Walk" command. This can now be used after using Fly or Ghost to properly return to walking mode |
ChangeSetting (Setting) (Value) |
Change any setting in the GameType, GameReplicationInfo, or TCP/IP settings. This includes things like AdminPassword, MaxPlayers, ServerName, MaxTicksPerSecond, etc. For example, ChangeSetting AdminPassword newPassword would change the admin password to "newPassword" |
GetSetting (Setting) |
Like the ChangeSetting command, only it returns the current value of the setting in question. For example, GetSetting AdminPassword would return the current value of AdminPassword |
ListBanned |
Returns a list of all currently banned IPs/Names |
LogSearch (IP/NAME) |
Searches all log entries for any matching IP's beginning with (IP) or any names matching (NAME). If any match if found, the entire log entry is returned |
BoardStyle |
Rotates the admin information display on the scoreboard between IP, Computer Name, Engine Version, and blank |
ShowAdmins |
Toggles admin display on the scoreboard. Any admins will have a purple asterik next to their name when this is true |