Enhanced Deathmatch 6 Credits
Author: Smartball
Date of Creation: June, 2009
- Zombie (of the DeadZone) - Major pieces of advice in regards to console replacement, package removal, security measures and general fixes.
- }TCP{Wolf - General advice, code ideas, examples and direct methods used in package scanning. Additional thanks for permission to include UTF skins.
- UTeamSkin distribution
- Martin Davies (squirrelsoftware) - teamskins from RealCTF
- Shambler - teamskins from Infiltration
- Hyper.nl - Provided quite a lot of feedback regarding the console.
- {Z}Trinity - General testing and support through the production of EDM2 ;)
- Joss - Responsible for the basecode of SummonP, PSummon, and the fixed Walk command.
- sAllEydEth_DeWicKeD - Provided me with a playground for my work and a stage to get the original mod rolling.
- The regular players of Smartball's Funhouse and the Yellow Submarine server - Constant feedback for the betterment of the mod.
- {hLk}ArtfulDodger - Helped track bugs in the EDM2 beta, including a major one regarding player count.
- Rab1d - Ideas about NeverSwitchOnPickup and the Anti-tauntwalking feature.
- MysticMan - Helped me determine if the ThrowWeapon crash had truly been fixed :P
- Everyone who ran multiple EDM versions and provided feedback with things to be fixed/improved, specifically:
- Bring_It and other various members of CW clan (CW Team Server)
- Havok (multiple hLk team servers)
- AcidRain (TNN servers)
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