Template_EScoreBoard Class Reference

Modified ScoreBoard. More...

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static int FindStatSpot (String CurStat)
 Get a status index.

Public Attributes

Template_PlayerDirectory MyDirectory
 Player directory.
Template_EGRI EGRI
bool bTeamGame
 Team game.
bool bShowAdmins
 Show admins.
const String StatString [4]
 Status strings.
const float StatSize [4]
 Status icon sizes.
const Texture StatTex [4]
 Status icons.
localized string TeamName [4]
 Team names.

Detailed Description

A modified ScoreBoard class that uses the client's Template_PlayerDirectory object to display player information. This can also be used to determine status information.

Member Function Documentation

static int FindStatSpot ( String  CurStat  )  [static]

Get the index for a specified status.

CurStat The status to get the index of
The index of the given status. If the status is not valid, then the index of the "PRESENT" status is returned

Member Data Documentation

The client-side directory of players.

This is the same object as Template_EDMPlayer.MyDirectory

Template_EGRI EGRI

The GameReplicationInfo for the game.

bool bTeamGame

Whether this is a team game.

Whether to display a star next to admins on the scoreboard.

const String StatString[4]

The strings associated with the different EDM statuses.

const float StatSize[4]

The sizes for each of the different EDM status icons.

const Texture StatTex[4]

The icons associated with each of the different EDM statuses.

localized string TeamName[4]

The names of the different teams.

Generated on Tue Jun 2 16:26:38 2009 for EDM6 by  doxygen 1.5.6